MediaComma Company

CLH Consult

80s baby | NS Canada | Creative Strategist     

I am Cam Howlett, I am curious by nature and a storyteller at heart- a true born entertainer. I have a passion for designing and using communication I enjoy developing what has never been seen before. I have worked in a variety of fields, in several cultures over multiple continents- for the worlds largest technology manufacturer and media company.  That and my other accomplishments are only where I was at that point. 


Story’s have been told since the beginning of mankind. The cycle is always spoken-written-visual, and if those are mastered together the real magic happens. 

Brand Strategy

Every person has a reason for why they work, and if you know what yours is- let me tell it for you. I have always found a passion in seeing your passion get shared. 

Media Marketing

When we do not have the luxury of moving pictures or spoken words, we must rely on visual. This is something that everyone does, and some need the gift of time, I would help you gain your time to focus on your own passion. 

Experience & Successes

Simply a snapshot


Certified RPAS pilot with DND SFOC license. Flight planning and execution for site inspection and video capture. 


Selected to spend 3 months in China. Spent 4 months travelling to 5 countries and training teams across 10 cities for business corporate sales. 


Project management training and execution for late scale retail new product development. Experience training and organizing high volume customer experience. 


Answered the call to move across the country to work for largest technology company globally. First external hire for a position of mentorship and leadership within retail store. 

Just a kid

Completed my university career of full time studies. Beginning with a bio-psych degree in 2002 and finishing with a focus on business communications through marketing. 

Fun fact in retrospect

**fun fact** I signed up for google mail and had the option of and I did not take it :( 

Where you will find me

Some of my links




CLH Consult



Get in Touch with Me

Looking forward to cooperating with you!